TV And Gigs

A very quick update to simply mention that I have gigs coming up, including Sheffield, London, Banbury, Leamington Spa, Nottingham and Barton upon Humber. Since the last time I advertised my gigs to you I’ve done the show 24 times at the Edinburgh Fringe, won two awards and was nominated for Best Show, so if you book to see me you are pretty much guaranteed to have at least a fairly decent time; although, there is always the possibility that I might have an off-day, or that you are just a cantankerous sod who is never content. Book tickets now to avoid missing out and to help with my anxiety.

Book via my gigs page here.

The other news is that I’ve been on TV, on Rosie Jones’s Disability Comedy Extravaganza, so if you’re too lazy to get off your arse and come and see me gigging, you can at least watch me without leaving the house.

Here’s the link for that.

If you’re too lazy or disinterested to do either of those things, then it begs the question, why are you even reading this? Obviously I don’t expect an answer from you, being the lazy so-and-so that you are. Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m having a go at you. This probably isn’t the right way to get people to see you do comedy.

So to recap:

TV link here.

Gigs page here.

Thanks. Kiss kiss.

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