Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, and to be honest the Eagle will probably put on a bit too. Anyway, I come baring gifts. But first: A group of local scout members decided to go into business. Sticking to the scout ethos, they decided to set up a business that dealt with fixing broken car horns. What did they call the business? The answer to that shall be revealed at the end of this post. And that doesn’t even technically count as one of the gifts.
I’m sure you all know (unless your from another planet or something – perhaps a spaceman that came traveling) I perform in a folk group called
The Young’uns
and for two years we ran a podcast. My first two gifts to you, are the links to download those Christmas podcasts.
Here is the link to download:
2006 podcast
Which includes an improvised version of the nativity, lots of Christmas music and Christmas folky DJ mixes,
And the
2007 podcast.
which features an avant-garde interpretation of the nativity, more Christmas mixing, lots of live Christmas music, and lots more.
You can download last years Southside Podcast
Which includes interviews with two actresses, an award winning Pianist, and a director of a pantomime, and of course me being hilarious.
The gifts continue a coming, because I also want to provide you with links to some Christmas material I’ve produced over the years.
my Christmas song parody
about Jesus – I don’t know if you’ve heard of him or not.
I also did a project as part of my Creative Music Technology university course in 2005. It’s a short Christmas radio drama called ‘The Return Of The Real Farther Christmas’. I thought I’d include it in my list of gift to you because I do still actually think it’s quite good, although that’s probably got something to do with my ego than anything else.
Here it is.
And now moving away from me and my ego, here are a couple of random Christmas rap songs that I found on an excellent website
which archives random tape recordings that someone collects, by purchasing old cassette tapes from charity shops and car boot sales etc. There’s a lot of interesting stuff on there, including people’s diaries, and crazy home recordings. Here are a couple of Christmas rap songs that I downloaded from the site. I don’t know much about the artists or anything, but these songs really have to be heard to be believed. No words can do them justice, so I recommend you just listen and be moved in a way you never thought possible.
The first is a version of the Twelve days Of Christmas, which consists of twelve rappers rapping.
Here’s the download link.
The second is a song called the Santa Rap, which is a work of genius.
Here’s the link.
And there’s more. I’ll be back tomorrow with 2009’s Christmas Southside Podcast. And there’s even more. It’s time for the reveal to what the scouts called their car horn fixing business. The name of the business was: ‘Beep Repaired’.
I bet you there’s a cracker joke writer out there reading this, envious of my comedy genius.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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