More BBC documentary news, and complimentary download

Download the audio version of this blog post here.

In Friday’s blog, I mentioned that I had taken part in a Danny Robins documentary for BBC 6Music. This involved me standing on Hob Moore in York with a witch expert, playing my Accordion to evoke evil spirits (keep your jokes to yourself), singing a folk song about witches and chanting about killing dogs for Satan. Thank goodness 6Music was kept on air, otherwise quality documentaries like this might never have seen the light of day. The programme will be broadcast on Halloween night on 6Music. It will obviously be up on the IPlayer for seven days (providing we don’t crash the website with the extreme volume of hits it will no doubt receive). I’ll also probably be able to upload it to this website after those seven days have elapsed.

There is, as you might expect, a story attached to my involvement in this documentary, and I’ll explain everything to you nearer the time of the broadcast date.

For now though, I have an audio treat that you may like to take me up on. I was reminded through meeting Danny Robins, about his series on radio one which aired weekly between 3 and 4 in the morning. I found a recording of one of these programmes on an old hard drive, and have decided to upload it here. I have done this for two reasons. Firstly, because I think you might like it (and it may prove a welcome diversion from listening to fifteen minute anecdotes about my office printer. My second reason however is a less noble one: by putting content on my website that is not mine, but rather the work of a more popular presenter, I might manage to acquire new visitors to this website, who might, just might, though probably won’t, stay for awhile and read some of my blogs. I hope Danny Robins doesn’t mind me exploiting his talent in such a way.

So this is a Danny Robins radio one show from 13th October 2005. If only he knew that he had seven years to wait before his career really took off and he’d be standing on a moore at night, interviewing me on the subject of witches. I’m sure that would have kept him going through all the dark times.

Download it here.

In fact, I might set up a whole page on my website containing old radio programmes, and habitualy exploit the success of other more popular presenters in order to get more visitors to my site. It’s time to play dirty! If that plan fails, then I might have to go one step further and have porn videos on my website. Maybe I could call on the help of Lakisha-Shaulis at That’s a reference to a previous blog post, in case you didn’t know and were starting to get a little concerned.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the download, and I’ll be back soon, providing I haven’t been possessed by evil spirits, or arrested for copyright infringement.

Sunday’s Audio Blog Post

Sunday’s audio blog post, What If We All Did That, is available to
download here.

I’ll be reading more old blog posts over the next couple of months, and from now on will be releasing most of my new blog posts as podcasts too. You can subscribe with ITunes or view the RSS feed to keep updated about new audio blog episodes.

Thanks for all the positive comments about these podcasts. And sorry if you are still recovering from my fifteen minute anecdote about my printer at work. I’ll wait a few weeks before releasing my thirty minute epic about my office scanner.

Back tomorrow with a little bit more explanation about the BBC 6Music documentary I was involved with.

Saturday’s Audio Blog

Last night was fairly dull by comparison to the night before, and I certainly won’t be writing a blog about it. I only write blogs about exciting things like my printer at work, which was the subject of yesterday’s audio blog. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to hear that today’s podcast is much shorter and does not contain anecdotes about printing. So Today I dissect CarlyRae Jepsen and Katy Perry; their songs that is, not their bodies. Sorry, if you were hoping for some actual pop star dissection. I hear both channel 4 and Doctor Death are keen on doing a programme on that subject, but no pop stars have come forward as willing volunteers yet.

Download the podcast here.

Subscribe to the podcast in ITunes or View the RSS feed.

I’ll be back tomorrow for the final daily podcast offering. Then on Monday, I’ll explain about this BBC documentary I’m involved in (providing they don’t edit me out of course).

Friday’s Audio Blog

Yesterday I was standing on the moorland in York, singing a folk song about a witch, playing my accordion to rouse evil spirits, and asking people to kill their dogs for Satan, as part of a BBC 6Music documentary presented by Danny Robins. I’ll explain more in a blog which I’ll post on Monday.
But first, it’s Friday, which, by my calculations, means it’s time to give you Friday’s audio blog.

Download it here.
Subscribe in ITunes,
or View the RSS feed.

I’ll be back tomorrow for Saturday’s podcast.

Thursday’s Audio Blog

Today’s podcast is about old ladies, cats, and me nearly dying.
Download it here.

View the RSS feed, or Subscribe with ITunes.

Notice how today I put the RSS option before the ITunes option, whereas it was the other way round all the previous days. Just keeping things exciting and fresh. I’m a maverick, an untameable force. Don’t try and second guess me, you’ll only embarrass yourself.

Tuesday’s Audio Blog Post

Every day this week I am reading a previously released blog post and publishing it as a podcast. Today I read a blog post from April 2012.

Download it here.

Subscribe to the podcast with ITunes or view the Rss Feed.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another podcast.

P.S. In case you don’t follow me on Twitter (what’s wrong with you) I have now tried a jazz apple, and can report that the experience was most enjoyable. It was both crunchy and juicy. I’ve now had other types of apples recommended to me, so there could well be more apple news to follow soon. Apparently there are over 7500 different types of apple, so this could be a long running blog feature. Try and contain your excitement.

Back tomorrow.

David Eagle’s blog, read by david Eagle

In the past, readers of this blog have had to read the blog themselves, or perhaps get a loved one to read it to them. I’ve heard that quite a few parents read it to their children at bedtime. Michael Gove was particularly keen to see it on the national curriculum. Or at least that was the case before I posted the blog Fuck All Bus Drivers.

A few people have asked me if I would consider reading my blog posts and publishing them as podcasts. Well, not only have I considered it, but I’ve actually gone and bloody done it. So take that all you doubters who said it would never happen, all you nay sayers.

I have so far released one blog post as a podcast episode, which is my most recent blog post about Jazz Apples and porn stars. From now on i’ll be releasing all my blogs as self-read podcast episodes, apart from the short ones that basically advertise a Young’uns podcast or something like that. I might even read some old blog posts and release those at some point. I will obviously still be publishing my blogs in the traditional format on here, so you can read it yourself if you prefer, though why would you? Do you think you can interpret my blogs better than I can, do you? ey?

You can subscribe to the podcast with Itunes here.
You can view the RSs feed here.
Other subscription options like Google to follow soon.

I’d like to end with an apology to Stephen Fry, who I know was very keen to read out these blogs, but in the end I decided that I would do it myself. I hope this doesn’t send him back into the depths of depression.

P.S. I’ve had a few people wondering whether I’ve tried a jazz apple yet. I’ve been doing some training with the BBC over the last few days and so haven’t gotten around to it, but I will remedy this soon and let you know my thoughts. I know, I should get my priorities right.

Thanks for reading.

Twitter Gets Fruity

Never mind knowing your onions. This blog post is about a person who concerns him/herself with knowing their apples. Although this statement is not entirely accurate, because this person is not interested with apples universally – oh no. They do not give a damn about Granny Smiths, nor are they concerned with the pedestrian golden delicious. They are not remotely interested in the mundane Braeburn. Oh no my friends. This person is enthused purely by one particular type of apple; an apple that until last week, I had never even heard of. This person is all about … the jazz apple!

“What is a jazz apple?” I hear you cry; or at least I think that was you. That was the very same question that I found myself positing just the other day. For I too was once like you, ignorant to this particular fruit. But now I’m one of the enlightened. And if you stick with me over these next few paragraphs, you too shall share this knowledge. Or you could just Google it I suppose, and save yourself a few minutes having to read the rest of this blog. But before you make such a rash move, let me alert you to the fact that this blog post also contains content of a pornographic nature. That’s right, I have called this blog post “Twitter Gets Fruity” not only because I am writing about apples, but also because I will be writing about porn stars.

Ahh, yes, I thought you might still be here.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I had joined Twitter. You can follow me if you like: @the Davideagle. Follow me, and join over 50 other enlightened people. The trouble is, when you find yourself being followed by over 50 people, you bare a great degree of responsibility. Obviously I don’t want to let my followers down. I need to write tweets that will inspire, enrich, enlighten and enthuse. I can’t just write any old drivel; it has to be specially considered drivel. And this is an example of that specially considered drivel. This is what you are missing out on if you don’t follow me on Twitter; although I suppose you’re not missing out on it because I’m now going to include the tweet in this blog.

“Just doing an online shop. What on earth are jazz apples?”

The question had been posed, but none of my followers had an answer, and that night I went to bed ignorant about the jazz apple. But that night was to be my final night of jazz apple ignorance, because tomorrow was going to bring me an answer. Perhaps you might like to revisit this blog post tomorrow, and savour your last night of jazz apple ignorance. Trust me; your life will never be the same again. It will be much more bland.

The next day I went on Twitter and was surprised to find a tweet from someone by the name of Jazz Apples. The tweet contained the answer to my question. “Jazz is natural cross between a Garler and a Bribern. How did you like it?”

I was taken aback. Not only had I received an answer to my jazz apple question, I had received the information from someone with the name Jazz Apples. I assumed at first that it must be a friend playing a joke, but when I went on to Jazz Apple’s Twitter page, it became apparent that this person was a genuine Jazz Apple enthusiast. Jazz Apples had posted a multitude of Tweets going back months, each and every one of them about Jazz apples. For instance: “apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning”, and, “Say no to candy. The natural sugars in jazz apples will give you the energy you need to get you through the 3pm slump”, and, “A jazz apple butter and plane cream cheese on warm French bread. Seriously you need to try it”. This person had managed to clock up over 4600 tweets, all about jazz apples. There was no way this could be a friend playing a joke. This was the real deal. My jazz apple related question had been answered by none other than Jazz Apples him/herself. This was truly an honour.

I responded to Jazz Apples immediately. It would have been rude to have done otherwise. I wouldn’t want him/her to feel snubbed. “Never snub an apple enthusiast”; that’s what my mother used to say to me. She was on powerful medical drugs at the time, but still … Plus, Jazz Apples had over a thousand followers, and I only had about 50, so I didn’t fancy my chances if it came to a fight.

“Hi Mr/Mrs Apples, or can I call you jazz? Thanks for the info. Good to know there are people like you out there primed and ready to answer any jazz apple based questions. Sadly Tesco had run out of jazz apples. Probably because jazz apple geeks like you buy them up in bulk. Watch this space though”.

It appears that Jazz Apples is not simply an apple nerd, he/she grows and sells jazz apples and uses Twitter as a promotional tool. You can do searches for certain keywords , and so this person presumably regularly searches Twitter for the phrase “jazz apples” as part of promoting their jazz apple business. Perhaps I should do the same for Eskimo Kiss or nose rubbing. Then someone like me, new to Twitter, will become very surprised when they get a response from a random man about something they posted on Twitter for their handful of followers to read.

“OKAY, enough of this jazz apples nonsense David, you promised us porn”. Indeed I did.

My friend has also recently signed up for Twitter, and was rather taken aback to discover that he was being followed by a porn star called Lakisha Shaulis, at This porn star presumably isn’t doing too well with their career; given their ratio of followers to people they’re following. Lakisha at is following 1525 people, but, perhaps tellingly, she only has 284 followers. This suggests that she wants cock more than other people would like her to have it, which is sort of contrary to the concept of porn really.

Lakisha’s tweets are also a bit out of sync with what you might expect a porn star to be writing about. There is rarely a mention of sex or cocks. Instead she opts to write ephemeral quotes like: “Here is the test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re a live, it isn’t”; “A lament in one ear, but always a song in the other”. Yes, very good Lakisha, but what about those cocks? “; Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap on a rope”. Yes, very kitsch Lakisha, but seriously, what’s that got to do with you being a porn star and wanting cock? “I think some how we learn who we really are and then live with that decision”. Yes Lakisha, and you apparently made the decision to be a porn star, but you don’t seem to be doing too well at living with that decision. If you want to go into life coaching then that’s great, but I think a rebranding exercise is a definite must. For a start is probably not going to help if you want to be taken seriously in the life coaching world. I’m all for people finding their special niche, but I’m not sure if cocks and life coaching really go well together.

My favourite quote from Lakisha is: “it’s not taking things up that makes you rich, it’s giving things up”. This is somewhat ironic for someone who’s meant to be making a living from “taking things up”.

Like me, my friend is also blind, and so I can’t tell you whether Lakisha’s picture is particularly appealing, although her paucity of followers seems to suggest not. Feel free to have a look though. If anyone catches you looking then just say it’s supplementary reading for my blog post. They’ll understand. Or you could just say she’s a life coach, and you’re interested in her unorthodox approach to life coaching.

Well, I’ve probably lost half my audience now to so I might as well leave this post here.

Thanks for reading.

P.S. If you haven’t sent me your nose rubbing video yet, then why not? No, stop talking, I don’t want to hear your excuses. Get to it. Email them to

Perhaps I can get Lakisha to send one in. I’ll have to specify to her though that it is strictly noses that I want to see.

Well wasn’t that a great blog post? Combining cock hungry porn stars with Fruit based trivia. Come on Radio 4! What are you waiting for?