The Young’uns Podcast: David Punches Jeremy Kyle In The Face

photo of Jeremy Kyle

Last week, Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal sat next to us on a plane to Portugal. This week our paths cross with Jeremy Kyle, who was recording his show opposite the BBC Radio 3 studio in which we were recording a live session. Also this week, Ciaran Algar joins us in a pub to discuss dreams, we get interrogated by some posh children, the birthday game is back, and we play a new game, Guess The Tune On The bassoon.

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The Young’uns Podcast in Portugal, with Mike Harding, Lady Maisery and Manchester United manager Louis Van Gaal

Photo of Louis Van Gaal

So far this year we’ve taken you with us to America, Canada and France, and this week we’re off to Portugal, to the Costa del Folk Festival.

Hear clips from our first ever aquatic gig, as we perform in the swimming pool, with the help of Lady Maisery – without instruments of course. Hear clips from our sangria fuelled late night gig, in which Mike Harding impersonates animals and insults the Welsh. Plus, find out what happens when Manchester United’s manager Louis Van Gaal sits next to us on the plane.

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New Young’uns Podcast. Beetles, Belching, Bathroom, Billy Bragg, Ballads, Breakfast, Birthday Game, Brass, Burst Drainpipes, Bus, and Baa

We talk to a man in a pub about beetle shit, David has a confession to make about behaving inappropriately on a bus, and the Birthday Game is back, only with a twist. All that and lots more on this edition of The Young’uns Podcast.

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The Young’uns Podcast in France

Photo of French flag

From Canada we headed straight to France, where we performed after fifteen hours traveling and thirty hours without sleep. This week, David attempts some french standup comedy, but gets his GCSE french a bit mixed up and inadvertently makes what might have appeared to be a pro-nazi declaration, and accidentally but frequently makes references to genitalia. All that and lots more, including music from Belgian brothers Trio Dhoore, in this week’s Young’uns Podcast from France.

The Young’uns Podcast: The Young’uns Anti-terror Campaign (Featuring The Archbishop of Canterbury, and Maz O’Connor on Volcanos)

Photo of Maz O'Connor

Things aren’t going too well for the Queen at the moment, what with last week’s Nazi Salute revelation, and even more upsettingly for her was the fact that last month she narrowly missed a Young’uns gig. This week we impart tales from our jaunt to Runnymede where we played at the Magna Carta event. We had some fun encounters with the police and a rather harassed Archbishop of Canterbury.

Joining us on that day was BBC Radio 2 folk award nominated Maz O’Connor, who makes some interesting noises for us and sings about a volcano.

Sean Cooney and David Eagle go head-to-head in the Birthday Game, and the Young’uns receive a couple of hauntings, from a pianist and an orphan child.

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The Young’uns Podcast, featuring Herbal Tea of the Week with writer Matthew Crampton, and music from the Cecil Sharp House Choir

This week’s Young’uns Podcast is dedicated to the lady who nearly got sacked for listening to the Young’uns Podcast at work. She’s also started having strange David Eagle dreams.

This week, Michael and David go head-to-head in the Birthday Game. The writer Mathew Crampton joins us for our first Herbal Tea of the Week, and in addition to helping us sample and pass comment on this week’s nominated herbal brew, he talks about and reads from his two published books, The Trebor Story and Tales From the Angler’s Retreat. We’ve got clips from our gig at Cecil Sharp House in London, which received a 5-star rating in the Guardian, in spite of the riot that nearly broke out. Plus there’s music from the Cecil Sharp House Choir.

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The Young’uns Podcast, Featuring Alan Bennett

This week’s Young’uns Podcast is dedicated to the heckler who shouted out mid-gig to tell us to stop talking so much. Obviously this man lacks the cerebral capacity to comprehend the truly intellectual nature of our between-song-chats, the content of which we bring you on this week’s Podcast. Subjects include: circumcision, herbal tea, toilets and skeletons. Plus, there’s some out-of-date once-topical satire, and play along with Michael and David at guessing the age of the celebrity in the Birthday Game. And a Young’uns fan has a disturbing dream about David.

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The Young’uns Podcast, featuring Alan Carr (dedicated to Captain Ken stocks)

Michael is insulted by an audience member in Morecambe, while David nearly kicks an audience member in Leeds. We put the fun into funeral. Sean imparts another of his dreams, involving Greg Russell and ice cream, but don’t worry, it’s not that kind of dream. And the award for most heckles in one gig goes to the grove folk club in Leeds.

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The Award Winning Young’uns Podcast

Since the last Young’uns podcast, we’ve won a series of awards including best group at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, meaning that I think we can now safely proclaim that the Young’uns Podcast is an award winning podcast; in fact, it’s the best folk podcast in the world ever!

This week: everything you never needed to know about David’s little finger; Michael is getting up David’s nose, literally; David has an interesting encounter at a urinal; a Young’uns gig turns into an episode of Call My Bluff, as we discuss the potential definitions of french words; The Young’uns are back on tour, and yet again it’s a rather physically intimate affair for us; on Thursday 14th May at 1130, BBC Radio 4 air the documentary which we are featured in presented by Mark Radcliffe, and after the recording of that programme we all communed in a pub to drink and sing Tom Jones songs; and there’s a song about a dog thrown in for good measure. All that and more on this week’s award winning Young’uns Podcast.

Download this week’s Young’uns Podcast here