David’s Daily Digital Dollop: Dollop 174 – The Reel-To-Reel deal. Part 6. Is Private Frazer a Red Herring?

Continuing the investigation into a mysterious reel-to-reel tape recording from the 1960/70s. Does the tape belong to the late Ken Cooper, father of the late David Cooper? Will Steven Mainprize reply to my email and provide us with valuable information? And is Private Frazer a red herring?

Download today’s instalment here

David’s Daily Digital Dollop: Dollop 173 – The Reel-To-Reel Deal. Part 5. The One And Only, David Cooper

Following yesterday’s dramatic revelations, our investigation continues, as we hopefully start edging closer to finding out more about this mysterious reel-to-reel recording, and the people behind it.

Download today’s installemtn here

David’s Daily Digital Dollop: Dollop 172 – The Reel-To-Reel Deal. Part 4. Calling Steven Mainprize

Part four of our investigation to track down the people involved in a 1960s/70s reel-to-reel tape recording. Yesterday, we uncovered a major clue, in the form of some names. One of the names was Steven Mainprize. A Google search led to a couple of possible matches, one of which was Stephen Mainprize, owner of Mainprize Upholstery. So today, I gave that Steven Mainprize a call, and this is what happened.

Download today’s developments here

David’s Daily Digital Dollop: Dollop 170 – The Reel-To-Reel Deal (Part Two)

Ready to do some detective work? As we take a trip back in time and attempt to solve a mystery, by listening for clues held on an old reel-to-reel tape. . Part two of two.

Download today’s Dollop here

If you’ve not heard part one yet, then you can Download it here

David’s Daily Digital Dollop: Dollop 166 – Waking To A Faking

Apologies for yesterday’s Dollop. It was rather dramatic, and I maybe should have issued a warning at the start, in case there was someone listening with a weak heart or for anyone of a nervous disposition. Fear not, today’s Dollop is a lot tamer. The only person getting a shock is me, as I recount what happened last night, when I was jolted from my sleep by a strange and unexpected voice saying my name. To find out who the voice belonged to, Download today’s Dollop here