The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 13. And Now, Over A Year After It Was Originally Advertised: Two Harrowing Stories Of Journeys To And from Stand-up gigs
For fans of 2019’s short-lived consecutive run of podcasts, the moment has finally come. It’s time for me to finally impart those two stories of harrowing journeys to and from stand-up gigs. And then there’s a little musical offering to sooth your soul and hopefully de-stress you (don’t worry it’s nothing to do with Gina G or farting).
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 12. Where Eastern Spiritual Practice, 90s Pop And Bodily emissions Come Together To create Harmonious synergy
Two days ago The Eagle Is Stranded announced it was “your official home for Gina G news.” Yesterday we brought you the thrills (and in some cases the spills) of Fart Yoga. Today’s podcast unites those two disparate worlds of gas-inducing yoga poses and 90s pop artists to create an unlikely but beautiful musical collaboration, exclusive to The eagle Is stranded and The David Eagle Podcast.
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 11. Fart Yoga
Day 11 of The Eagle Is stranded sees me pushing the boundaries of podcasting even further, as I record myself undertaking various yoga moves designed to induce farting. Why not join in at home by following the instructions here? With expert stretch by stretch, blow by blow commentary from my fiance Ellie.
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 10. Your Official Home For Gina G News!
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 9. Cactus Resuscitation News Plus More ON Gina G And Paul Temple
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 8. Featuring Gina G And Genetically Modified Sheep
The Eagle Is stranded! Day 7. The Shocking Story Of A 1940s Tea Addict
The Eagle Is Stranded! Day 6. A Cup Of Tea And A Chat
A more sedate instalment today, but by no means a less worthy addition to the Eagle Is stranded canon. Join me and my fiance Ellie for a cup of tea and a chat.