TV And Gigs

A very quick update to simply mention that I have gigs coming up, including Sheffield, London, Banbury, Leamington Spa, Nottingham and Barton upon Humber. Since the last time I advertised my gigs to you I’ve done the show 24 times at the Edinburgh Fringe, won two awards and was nominated for Best Show, so if you book to see me you are pretty much guaranteed to have at least a fairly decent time; although, there is always the possibility that I might have an off-day, or that you are just a cantankerous sod who is never content. Book tickets now to avoid missing out and to help with my anxiety.

Book via my gigs page here.

The other news is that I’ve been on TV, on Rosie Jones’s Disability Comedy Extravaganza, so if you’re too lazy to get off your arse and come and see me gigging, you can at least watch me without leaving the house.

Here’s the link for that.

If you’re too lazy or disinterested to do either of those things, then it begs the question, why are you even reading this? Obviously I don’t expect an answer from you, being the lazy so-and-so that you are. Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m having a go at you. This probably isn’t the right way to get people to see you do comedy.

So to recap:

TV link here.

Gigs page here.

Thanks. Kiss kiss.

Edinburgh Fringe: The Eagle Is Candid

This August I’ll be at Edinburgh Fringe Festival for the entire run. That’s the first twenty-five days in August, but a note to any prospective burglars, my house in Sheffield will be occupied during that time by my wife who has been practising martial arts. Anyway, the show is called The Eagle Is Candid. Here’s the poster, the show blurb, and a link for you to buy tickets in advance of August, which helps minimise the chance of me having a mental breakdown, thanks.

A poster with two photos of David in black and white, one with him holding a microphone and the other with his accordion. It has all the details of where the show is on.

Blind comedian and folk singer tells tales of his adventures travelling the world. Accosted by faith healers, aggressive Australians, and a near-arrest after a nocturnal accordion-based anti-social incident. The show also includes a couple of his comedy songs, one of which was described by the Guardian as “a comic tour de force”; and another one which wasn’t.

Best Variety Show, Leicester Comedy Festival. “Brilliant/nuts. Heartily recommend!” (Rufus Hound.)

A regular on BBC Radio 4’s The Now Show. Three-time winner at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. Leicester square Theatre New Comedian Of The Year.

(Directed by Ben van Der Velde.)

Thursday 1st August – Sunday 25th August 2024 

21:30 Just The Tonic
David Eagle: The Eagle Is Candid, Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh  Tickets here

The David Eagle Podcast. Liz Truss Alarm Clock

8 year old david singing into a karaoke machine in front of a Happy Birthday banner

We head back thirty years to my eighth birthday in Cassette Roulette; we learn about a mad Victorian scientist’s experiments with monkey testicles in Ellie Skinner’s Weekly Animal Penis Fact; and we visit Biscuit and Brew Tea House in Nottingham for Herbal Tea Of The week. Plus I reveal the Fine Young Cannibals’ dirty little secret, there are clips from my appearance at the Christian Festival Greenbelt, we hear of a highly unusual fetish and I collaborate with two twelve-year-old girls to create a death metal song.